Medlemskap og Webinarer:
Er du lidenskapelig opptatt av hunder og ønsker å lære mer?
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På disse sidene finner du en oversikt over både kommende og tidligere webinarer, samt vår medlemsportal som gir deg tilgang til en rekke online kurs og webinarer. Vi tilbyr et bredt spekter av ressurser for alle som ønsker å utvikle hundetreningene sine, fra nybegynnere til mer erfarne hundeeiere.
Se nedenfor for våre aktuelle tilbud og bli med på reisen mot mer kunnskap og bedre hundetrening!
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i Hund i Fokus Medlemsportal
Som medlem får du tilgang til webinarer med høyt faglig nivå, ledet av internasjonalt anerkjente foredragsholdere, flere online kurs, artikler og mye mer. Du får også prosentavslag på tilbud hos Hund i Fokus og våre gode samarbeidspartnere. Er du student, uføretrygdet eller minstepensjonist? Da får du ekstra rabatt!
VIP medlemskap
i Hund i Fokus medlemsportal.
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✔️ Alle fordelene fra det vanlige medlemskapet
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Ny Med Hund,
Informasjonssider for deg som vurderer å få deg din første hund, eller som har bestemt deg men trenger litt hjelp til å foreta valget.
Mentale konkurranse- og stevneforberedelser
Et webinar med Mathilde Kronborg og Kristine Eline Gjulem. 6.5.25 kl. 19:00
Er du hundeeier og ønsker å prestere bedre både på trening og i konkurranser? Bli med på vårt online-webinar der vi sammen utvikler mentale teknikker som hjelper deg med å håndtere stress og kontrollere følelsene dine. Dette er avgjørende for å gi både deg og hunden en bedre trenings- og konkurranseopplevelse, samt bygge et sterkere samarbeid!
Webinaret blir tatt opp, slik at du har mulighet til å se det i etterkant dersom tiden ikke passer.
Kommende Webinarer:
Intra-Household Dog to Dog Aggression
With Michael Shikashio, March 26, 7pm CET
Dogs that live under the same roof and fight with one another can be one of the most difficult types of aggression cases to work with, let alone live with! Behavior change plans for working with intra-household dog to dog aggression, with real case examples, will be showcased in this session.
Creating a More Enriching Life for Dogs
A Webinar with Lisa Potts on April 7, 7 pm CEST
Leading an enriched life can make a dog live a longer and happier life. The presentation focuses on the importance of creating an enriching environment for dogs of all ages. The focus is emphasizing the need for enrichment to improve the quality of life for dogs. In this presentation, various aspects of enrichment will be covered, including the benefits for mental and physical health hitting all senses, and the different types of enrichment activities that can be incorporated into a dog's daily routine.
Recordings of previous webinars for sale.
Rocket Recall™
A webinar with with Lisa Lyle Waggoner, January 16, 2023
Do you want a dog who will come to you the first time—every time? That’s what you’ll get when you follow the easy, fun, and effective training steps in The Original Rocket Recall™.
Whether you’re a dog owner, dog walker, pet sitter, or dog trainer, if you want a dog who will return to you with rocket-like speed the first time—every time—this webinar is for you!
Fra snute til hale: Hva, hvorfor og hvordan undersøke egen hund.
Opptak av Webinar med Cathrine Winblad 25.4.2023
Fra snute til hale: Hva, hvorfor og hvordan undersøke egen hund.
Vil du bli en bedre beskytter for hunden din? Flinkere til å se når hen ikke har det bra? Lettere kunne vurdere om du bør komme deg til veterinæren, eller bør avvente. Eller lære mer om når og hvordan du selv kan gjøre det som trengs for å hjelpe hunden din? Dette med mer snakker veterinær Cathrine Winblad om i dette superbra webinaret!
Effektiv hundetrening – omsette teori i praksis. Webinar med Jens Frank.
Opptak av Webinar med Jens Frank, onsdag 3. mai 2023
Det finnes mange eksempler på virkelig gode hundetrenere som ikke kan teori i det hele tatt, og også mange eksempler på de som kan mye teori, men som ikke lykkes særlig godt med selve hundetreningen. Teori kan være en fin «snarvei» til ferdigheter. Hvis vi bruker eksisterende kunnskap, slipper vi å gjenta alle feilene andre har gjort før oss og kan dermed starte med flere tiår med erfaring. Men det er ikke nok å ha kunnskapen. I tillegg til å kunne teorien, må vi få den «ut i hendene» og faktisk bruke den.
Prestationsångest, nerver & hur du når dina mål
Opptak av Webinar med Pernilla Pöykiöniemi, 26. januar 2023
Pernilla pratar om bakomliggande faktorer till prestationsångest och tävlingsnerver, och du får konkreta tips om hur du kan må bättre inför en prestation som t.ex. en tävling. Hur du hittar den optimala anspänningen, det vill säga lagom mängd tävlingsnerver som hjälper dig att prestera ditt bästa och så får du lära känna din egen självkänsla. Hon pratar också om olika metoder för att formulera mål som tar dig från dagsform till drömform. Föreläsningen utgår från hundträning men berör livet i stort.
Skarpt läge – konkreta strategier vid prestationssituationer
Opptak av Webinar med Pernilla Pöykiöniemi, 6. mars 2023
En föreläsning som djupdyker i människans mentala funktioner och presenterar övergripande förhållningssätt och fler än tio konkreta handlingar för att förbättra prestation och känsla. "I skarpt läge" är en fortsättning som bygger vidare på föreläsningen "Prestationsångest, Nerver och hur du når dina mål", men det går också att lyssna till den fristående.
"Skarpt läge – konkreta strategier vid prestationssituationer" og "Prestationsångest, nerver & hur du når dina mål"
Webinar 6. mars. med Pernilla Pöykiöniemi, samt opptak av webinaret som var 26. januar.
Prestationsångest, nerver & hur du når dina mål
I den här föreläsningen pratar vi om bakomliggande faktorer till prestationsångest och tävlingsnerver, och du får konkreta tips om hur du kan må bättre inför en prestation som t.ex. en tävling. Hur du hittar den optimala anspänningen, det vill säga lagom mängd tävlingsnerver som hjälper dig att prestera ditt bästa och så får du lära känna din egen självkänsla. Vi pratar också om olika metoder för att formulera mål som tar dig från dagsform till drömform. Föreläsningen utgår från hundträning men berör livet i stort.
Skarpt läge – konkreta strategier vid prestationssituationer
En föreläsning som djupdyker i människans mentala funktioner och presenterar övergripande förhållningssätt och fler än tio konkreta handlingar för att förbättra prestation och känsla. "I skarpt läge" är en fortsättning som bygger vidare på föreläsningen "Prestationsångest. I skarpt läge djupdyker ännu mer i hur du kan gå ut i en prestationssituation, som exempelvis en tävling, och prestera minst lika bra som på träning tillsammans med din hund och där begrepp som tävlingsnerver blir något som hjälper istället för stjälper.
Beep, Boom, Bang! Protocols for Dogs with Sound Sensitivity.
A webinar with Debbie Martin. Recording from November, 2024
Not only can a fear of sounds be physiologically and emotionally damaging for dogs, but it can also strain the human-animal relationship. This session will provide you with strategies for how to approach and prevent sound sensitivities, including teaching desired coping skills.
Styrketrening uten utstyr
Opptak av webinar med Line Østerhagen
Line Østerhagen fra Nordisk Heste- og Hundeterapiskole brenner for dyrenes ve og vel, og ønsker å hjelpe deg som vil jobbe med dyr eller eiere til å lære mer om dyrenes fysiske helse - slik at du enten kan jobbe som dyreterapeut eller bli en enda bedre dyreeier.
Line tar for seg styrketrening uten utstyr.
Considerate communication skills - to help more dogs!
A Webinair with Ryan Cartlidge.
Something - as Positive Reinforcement based dog/animal trainers - we can sometimes find challenging is processing both our emotions & thought processes when we see others using aversives.
Consequently, this live event will offer Ryan Cartlidge’s contributions to this challenge - based on his experience practically applying the tools from ‘crucial conversations’ over the last decade.
Ready, Set, For Groomer and Vet: Team Tips For Pet Owners.
Webinar nr. 1. with Laura Monaco Torelli
Watch this webinar with Laura Monaco Torelli to learn simple strategies to help craft a care team collaboration. Initial tips and valuable considerations will be discussed and demonstrated. All within the scope of what we can do proactively as pet owners’ framed into positive day-to-day interactions.
Ready, Set, For Groomer and Vet: Husbandry At Home
Webinar nr. 2 with Laura Monaco Torelli, a recording from october 5 2021
Our second webinar with Laura. I recommend you to watch the first one first.
How do we support the average pet owner to ensure their comfort level? It can be overwhelming to hear the need to administer allergy shots (per veterinary direction), ear drops, or place a basket muzzle on their canine companion.How can we arrange the teaching environment so it includes empathy, education, and empowerment for those that collaborate in our pets’ care? Join Laura to learn more about how she integrates exotic animal experience into a curriculum for her client teams that support comfort level coupled with skill level.
Errorless Shaping
A recording of an webinar with Agnieszka Janarek
Shaping is not a training in which your dog has to “figure out what to do”!
An important part of shaping is to gradually build the behavior. Shaping should be errorless! Each step should lead to the desired behavior. This requires prior setting and analysis of the necessary premises. Agnieszka will explain it with simple examples and everything is shown in tutorials, so you will understand it quickly!
The poisoned cue and its implications for teaching and social interactions.
A recording of an webinar with Jesús Rosales-Ruiz
In this presentation Jesús Rosales-Ruiz shows an experimental analysis of the Poisoned Cue, and techniques to identify situations that might involve Poisoned Cues. It also discusses ways to overcome these cues.
Flipping the script on raising our dogs: lessons from free living dogs, a webinar with Namita DigheShetty
Flipping the script on raising our dogs: lessons from free living dogs, a webinar with Namita DigheShetty
In this webinar we re-imagine how we raise our dogs with an emphasis on choice and autonomy. Drawing from invaluable lessons learned from free living dogs around the world, we discuss the basis of our expectations around dogs.
Belønningsbasert Lederskap med Astrid Weider Ellefsen, 22.3.22
Opptak av Belønningsbasert Lederskap med Astrid Weider Ellefsen, 22.3.22
I dette webinaret fokuserer Astrid på hvordan vi trener fram en hund som engasjerer seg i den aktiviteten vi bestemmer når vi bestemmer det. Hun tar for seg både hvordan vi som eiere og førere må legge opp treningen for å få en slik hund, hvordan vi lærer hunden det når den er valp, hvordan vi jobber med det under unghundsperioden og hvilke krav vi kan sette til den voksne hunden. Alle eksemplene vil være relatert til trening av stående eller støtende fuglehunder, men temaet er aktuelt for alle typer hunder og sporter.
Bruk av eksterne belønninger i trening av stående fuglehunder.
Opptak av Webinar med Astrid Weider Ellefsen. 14.12.2021
I dette webinaret fokuserer Astrid Weider Ellefsen på hvorfor det er viktig å bruke eksterne belønninger når vi trener fram fuglehunder, og hvordan vi lærer hunden at alt det den har lyst på ute i jaktterrenget er tilgjengelig gjennom føreren.
Blygerhundar med Jessica Mann, Opptak av webinar fra 13.1.22
En "blygerhund" er en hund som er usikker.
En blygerhund är en hund som är osäker. Allt från lite försiktig till riktigt rädd. Den kan reagera med att vilja fly, att vilja skrämmas, att bli lamslagen eller kanske att vilja fjäska för den som skrämmer. Den kan ha en specifik rädsla eller flera generella. Föreläsningen passar för dig som har en sådan hund, men den passar även för dig som har en orädd hund eftersom så mycket av arbetet vi kan göra är förebyggande, och bör göras inte minst med valpar och unghundar.
Staying Safe with Aggressive Dogs
A recording of a webinar with Michael Shikashio on January 29, 2022
Dog aggression can often be considered a complex or difficult issue to address. It doesn’t have to be that way! When the fundamentals of behavior change are incorporated in aggression cases, in a simple and systematic way, the potential for success is greatly increased. After all, our clients are often looking for the fastest route to changing their dog’s behavior!
Michael Shikashio CDBC is in this webinar discussing the simple behavior change strategies that can be extremely effective in a wide variety of aggression cases.
Understanding and Modifying Dog Aggression
A recording of a webinar on April 26, 2021
Dog aggression can often be considered a complex or difficult issue to address. It doesn’t have to be that way! When the fundamentals of behavior change are incorporated in aggression cases, in a simple and systematic way, the potential for success is greatly increased. After all, our clients are often looking for the fastest route to changing their dog’s behavior!
Michael Shikashio CDBC is in this webinar discussing the simple behavior change strategies that can be extremely effective in a wide variety of aggression cases.
et webinar med Eva Bertilsson
Webinar med Eva Bertilsson 18.1.21. "Starknapper"
Building duration when teaching a behavior with Mary Hunter.
Including examples from animal traning and PORTL.
Mary Hunter is in this webinar talking to us about a technique that she uses for building duration when teaching a behavior. She talks about how to do it and shows video examples from both animal training and PORTL.
DogParkour with Jenny Afvander
DogParkour is a fun way of learning about training your dog and about body language. It also teaches your dog to be brave and resilient.
Art-of-Living for dogs and handlers,
with Jessy Lang and Sam Turner
Online Workshop: Art-of-Living for dogs and handlers with Jessy Lang and Sam Turner:
The art-of-living is a concept that can be assigned to the positive psychology. It is based on strategies to lead a happy and fulfilled life. The concept includes 17 different components which can be trained. Jessy and Sam have adapted the concept from humans to dogs. They have developed a holistic and science-based programme including several exercises to improve happiness and well-being for dogs AND handlers.
BAT with Grisa Stewart.
A recording of a webinar on April 1, 2021
BAT helps animals gain confidence and social skills. BAT is a natural method that creates an emotionally safe interaction with minimal intrusion. BAT is especially useful when the “triggers” for frustration, aggression, or fear are living beings, for example when dogs bark at or bite other dogs or people.
Look At That and Latte with Leslie McDevitt
If you are new to Control Unleashed, need a refresher, or just want a way to help your dog focus under challenging circumstances, Leslie McDevitt's LAT game is a great tool.
Requested Approach Training & Voluntary Sharing:
Cooperative Counter Conditioning.
Requested Approach Training & Voluntary Sharing: Cooperative Counter Conditioning from Leslie McDevitts Control Unleashed Program
Do you have a dog who hates taking turns or sharing resources? Do you have a dog who struggles with triggers approaching it? Learn how to put your learners in the driver's seat of their own counter conditioning using these protocols.
Dog Physiology and dog sports
A recording of the Webinar with Carmen Heritier, March 15th., 2022
"Functional anatomy" sounds very dry and rather daunting at first. But what lies behind it is enormously important for dog owners, trainers and physiotherapists alike.
This webinar deals with the dog's body structure and the associated structural strengths and weaknesses. Knowing these is immensely important for any activity with a dog, because this explains, for example, the supposed stubbornness in trick training, the pole throwing in agility or the reluctance to retrieve balls on the walk. What's more: if you know about your dog's physical weaknesses, you can specifically prevent signs of wear and tear such as arthrosis. With the help of many photos and videos, a wide variety of dogs are examined from front to back, bringing a lot of colour into this rather theoretical topic. Ideal for anyone who wants to take a closer look at the physique of dogs.
Scared from the beginning,
a webinar with Pernille Blok-Riisom. April 7 2022
Scared from the beginning – which is inheritance, which is environment? What to do as an owner, when your dog is stressed and anxious from the moment you get it home? A perspective on the ability to learn when stressed and anxious with the focus of the breed, the role the breeder plays and tips to how to help you as an owner how to assist your dog to cope.
The art of delivering instructions – Introduction to the TAGteach tools for teaching the human!
a webinar with Eva Bertilsson, TAGteach International. March 29, 2022
The art of delivering instructions – Introduction to the TAGteach tools for teaching the human!
We study endlessly on how best to communicate with our animal learners, but what about our human learners?
There is a real art to delivering information to a human, especially in the moments before they are asked to act upon your instructions. We’ll look at two TAGteach tools: the Focus Funnel and WOOF that will help you create crystal clear instructions while simultaneously decreasing stress and in the human learning environment.
The constructional approach.
A recording of the webinar with Mary Hunter November 8. 2022,
Mary Hunter explains what makes the constructional approach unique and walk you through a four-step planning process that will help you focus on what behaviors you want to teach, rather than reducing or eliminating behavior.
Predation Substitute Training: A webinar with Simone Müeller
A recording of from July 28, 2022
Conventional training protocols stifle the dog’s natural predatory behaviors through punishing or constantly forcing them to return. These restrictive protocols work against the dog’s nature and against what they want most: to go for a hunt!
Predation Substitute Training (PST) is a motivation-based and need-oriented training program, designed to stop uncontrolled predatory chasing and to provide safe outlets for our dog’s natural drive.
Training in 3-D®
A recording of the webinar with Steve White, May 14, 2024
Training in 3-D is about balancing the manipulation of Distance, Duration and Distraction as a part of gaining full fluency and stimulus control.
Raising the BaR®
A recording of the webinar with Steve White, June 22, 2022
Raising the BaR® with Steve White
Regardless of skill set, this seminar is about taking your training to the next level . . . whether you you’re
pet owner who just wants an easy-to-live-with dog, a gold medal sport competitor, or an operational
working dog handler or trainer.
Life Happens
A webinar with Steve White, October 15th, 2024
Have you got a dog that shies away unfamiliar people, places, or things? Does your dog explode with reactive energy at other dogs, people, or may be even just a passing car? Would you rather have a dog that’s ready to be your go-everywhere and do-anything companion? Then this is the webinar for you!
Canine teenagers: adolescent behavior development and support strategies
A webinar with with dr. Chris Pachel. Recording from October 30, 2024
It may come as no surprise that working with adolescent dogs has its own challenges. But have you ever thought about what may be happening at the neurobiological level and why these behavior patterns happen the way they do? This presentation will look at what we think we know about what's happening in the brain during this developmental period, as well as how knowing this information can shape our training plans and our overall understanding of how to navigate this period successfully.
Positive Herding A webinar with with Barb Buchmayer
A recording of from July 28, 2022
Barb Buchmayer, author of the book "Positive Herding 101: Dog-Friendly Training." will in this webinar lead us in to the world of positive herding. Barb has pioneered a method for training herding dogs without the use of aversive tools, and in this webinar she will tell us more about it.
How to Handle Sticky Situations in Off-Leash Puppy Classes
Recording of A webinar with with Amanda Gagnon september 15, 2022
In this class, Amanda Gagnon will use video and lecture to demonstrate the best ways to handle the stickiest situations that arise in off-leash puppy classes so that you can use them as opportunities to teach essential life skills that will ensure the best possible future welfare for both the dog and human student.
Canine separation anxiety
A recording of the webinar with Malena DeMartini, April 28th 2022
Malena DeMartini, Certified Trainer and Counselor (CTC), is renowned in the dog training world for her work on canine separation anxiety (SA) disorder over the last 22 years.
Apportering till vardag och fest - hvordan laere inn apportering
Opptak av Webinar med Elsa Blomster og Lena Gunnarsson. 26. oktober 2022, kl. 19:00
Vill du ha kul tillsammans med din hund? Vill du lära dig hur du uppnår perfekta avlämningar? Då är det här webinaret för dig. Oavsett om du tränar din familjeapportör, terapihund, lydnadshund eller jakthund för jaktprov är goda apporteringsgrunden väldigt viktiga. I det här webinaret visar vi dig hur du kan uppnå perfekta avlämningar på ett kul och inspirerande sätt!
Emotions and challenging behaviour
A webinar with with Karolina Westlund, December 14, 2022.
Challenging behaviour in animals can range from inconvenient to embarrassing to exasperating - to the people who have to live with them. To the animals involved, those behaviours are often not problematic at all, but rather a solution to a problem that they're experiencing - and our task is often to help the animal find another solution that's less annoying to us - or to remove the animal's problem altogether.
This webinar will provide a framework for how to approach behavioural challenges.
Clickertraining Bite Work, a webinar with Dina Doctermann
Recording of the webinar November 18, 2021, 7 pm CET
There are many ways to train your dog, and it has been obvious to most that you can train tracking and obedience with clicker training in the working dog programs. But when we come to what is most often referred to as "defense work", there are many who believe it is not a training method that is relevant.
Improving Reactivity with a More Wholistic Approach, an recording of a webinar with Juliana DeWillems
When learning about how to address reactivity, most people focus on training around the triggers and reactions. While this is one important step, there are so many other parts of a dog's life that can impact their reactive behavior. This webinar will go into detail about how taking a big picture approach and focusing on all aspects of a dog's life can improve their reactive behavior and make more progress than if you only focus on the training around triggers.
Using Body Language to Work with Canine Aggression, an recording of a webinar with Zofia Zaniewska-Wojtków
Zofia does not use treat or food in her work with aggressive dogs, and in this webinar she will showcase her expertise in canine behavior by presenting films directly from her work with dogs. Participants can expect to witness real-life examples of her innovative approach, "In a Dialogue with the Dog," as she addresses aggression issues in dogs towards people. Zofia's unique method emphasizes the importance of understanding and responding to a dog's body language to help them cope with stress and fear, ultimately fostering a sense of comfort in social situations with other dogs. Notably, Zofia's approach sets her apart, as she avoids the use of treats or snacks during dog therapy to ensure a pure and unfiltered connection with the dogs she works with.
Scentwork for All Seasons, an recording of a webinar with Ann McGloon
The Why’s? Why should we consider scentwork with our dogs?
The Type’s? We will chat about the various different types of scent work and explore the critical question of “What is your dog searching for?” and how answering this question will help you formulate both your dog’s learning but also your overall search strategies.
The How’s? How to get started easily without the need for massive amounts of equipment.
The Play Way, an recording of a webinar with Amy Cook
Dr. Cook is the founder and creator of the Play Way and a popular instructor for the online school, The Fenzi Dog Sports Academy. She has been training dogs for nearly 30 years, and has specialized in the rehabilitation of shy and fearful dogs for over 20 years.
Den store jungle – Hvad enhver hundeejer bør vide om hundeernæring
Opptak av Webinar med Ann-Kristin Meyer, HUNDEFODERNØRDEN
Når man som hundeejer står foran reolerne i hundefoderbutikken og skal vælge det rette foder til sin hund, kan det nemt føles som at stå i en jungle. Der findes et hav af forskellige hundefodertyper. Fra tørt til vådt, fra tilberedt til råt, fra fuldfoder til tillægsfoder – der findes med garanti noget til (næsten) enhver smag! Endnu større føles sortimentet af snacks, godbidder og diverse tilskudsprodukter. Men hvad skal man vælge til netop sin hund – og vigtigst af alt: hvorfor?
Dette webinar er en introduktion til ernæring af hunde med hovedfokus på forskellen mellem de forskellige slags foder. Jeg vil også komme ind på, hvad man skal være opmærksom på, når ens hund får mange godbidder og/eller snacks, f.eks. i forbindelse med træning, og hvorfor det ikke altid er en god idé at give sin hund kosttilskud.
Dyreassisterte intervensjoner
Opptak av Webinar med David Daae Meyer 12. mai kl. 19:00
Webinar med David Daae Meyer Tema: Dyreassisterte intervensjoner. Opptak fra 12. mai 2022 kl. 19:00.
Hva er egentlig Dyreassisterte intervensjoner, og hvordan skal du gå frem dersom det er noe du ønsker å drive med?
Det og mer til vil du lære om i dette webinaret med David Daae Meyer.
Relabelling Reactivity’
A webinar with Kamal Fernandez, Recorded May 18 2023
Is your dog ‘Reactive‘?
Does your dog lunge and bark at other dogs or people?
Does your dogs’ behaviour, fill you with anxiety about taking them out?
Do you want to overcome these struggles?
Learn about how to relabel your misunderstood dog and create the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
Aged and Engaged: Keeping Your Aging Dogs Active
A webinar with Lori Stevens, Recording from April 13 2023.
This webinar will provide practical information for everyone living with aging dogs. You will no longer be a passive bystander watching your dog sleep and age. You will be introduced to how to keep aging dogs engaged with you and the environment. We'll cover how to help them be more active and functional. You’ll learn what you can do to support your dog's aging process and help them regain strength and confidence. This information is empowering in an area where we often feel helpless. Applying these techniques will make life easier for your aging dog. It will also make caring for them easier, more joyful, and enriching for both of you.
Optimal arousal i træning og konkurrence
Et webinar med Randi Laursen
Når man deltar i konkurranser med hunden sin, har man kanskje opplevd at den ikke oppfører seg som under trening.
Mange konkurransehunder klarer ikke å finne det optimale spennings- eller arousalnivået.
I dette webinaret vil Randi Laursen snakke om hvordan du kan trene for å få det ideelle Arousalnivået.
Webinaret er på dansk..